TIME: 12 sharp -12.50Pm
Lessons Learned and Wisdom gained
from Implementing RPs
Our journey with Restorative Practices at Hills Christian Community School, began back in 2018. In that time, we have learnt a lot about what not to do and what to do more of.
Restorative Practices have challenged our thinking about rules, relationships and of course, our responses to behaviour that has, may have, or might be about to cause harm. There are really difficult (but important) questions that arise when we look to apply a restorative lens to the myriad of things that happen in schools that make us think hard about who we are, our purpose, our values and what we understand about people and their emotions.
Of course, we are still learning. This session is for anyone who would like to hear more about these learnings and the ways in which Restorative Practices has impacted our school culture and what motivates us to keep Restorative Practices at the core of how we operate.
Angela Harvey is the Head of the Primary Campus at Hills Christian Community School and has worked in leadership roles in schools for 12 years in both Victoria and South Australia. She has a passion for student wellbeing, as well as ‘school community wellbeing’.
As the Director of Wellbeing at Hills Christian Community School, Bek Brown works collaboratively across the whole school with parents, educators and other professionals, to develop the social and emotional wellbeing of students.
Angela has a background in Early Childhood Education and is passionate about restorative practices being the way in which conflict is worked through to ensure all members of the school are connected and are able to flourish.
Bek has a background in teaching, chaplaincy and counselling and is passionate about using restorative practices as a way of helping young people to grow and work through conflict.
Josh Noye is the Junior Secondary Pastoral Care Coordinator at HILLS, and oversees the wellbeing and pastoral needs of students in Years 7-9. Josh has significant experience in Restorative Practices and is passionate about building a restorative culture at HILLS.