TIME: 12 sharp -12.50pm
An introduction to Affect
and Emotion
In this session participants are reacquainted with Silvan Tomkins' Affect Script Psychology (ASP). ASP is a theory of emotion and motivation that has been embraced by RP practitioners and scholars to explain how restorative processes work.
Bill will focus on one emotion in particular - shame. He will draw on the scholarly work of Donald Nathanson MD and examine the importance of shame as either a helper or hindrance to the process of reconnecting people in the wake of harm or conflict.
A model called The Compass of Shame will be explored through a fictional case study about a boy called Bradley - a young man with undiagnosed ADHD, learning disabilities and a long history of shame based behavioural disturbances. Bradley's responses to a moment of social disconnection (a friendship issue) will be analysed through a Compass of Shame lens so participants can better understand how shame impacts our everyday interactions and can either be a catalyst for pro social behaviour or a driver of disconnection.
Bill Hansberry is the Chairperson of the SA Chapter of RPI and runs a private Educational consultancy . Bill is widely recognized for his in depth of knowledge about behaviour Management, Restorative Justice and cultural renewal in educational settings. Bill is well known for his passion for relational teaching, strategic community building and Circle Time as well as his unique and engaging style in facilitating professional learning workshops for schools, school clusters and other organisations. Bill has authored a number of internationally published titles on Restorative Practices in schools.